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1. Print the file Rear Plate.pdf. Use your X-Acto knife to cut the outside lines of the shape. The resulting pattern should be the same size as the front plate. 2. Lay the paper template on some 1/16 engraving plastic of the same color that you used for the front. (You don t have to use the same color, but it s good for consistency.) Tape the pattern down on the sides. 3. Use a 1/8 bit to drill the eight holes in the rear plate pattern. Then use your X-Acto knife to make grooves on the inside rectangle shape (the battery opening), and finally make cuts on the main outside shape of the pattern. 4. Remove the pattern, regroove the cuts, and snap the shape free as you did with the front plate. If you can remove the battery hole without drilling holes, you can use that piece for the battery door later on (and save yourself some cutting!). 5. Bend and attach the aluminum side wall to the inside (noncolored side) of the rear plate, as you did with the front plate. Although it doesn t matter where the aluminum starts, you should place it to match the beginning of the front half. (In other words, put the potentially questionable-looking ends of the aluminum all in the same place.) 6. Okay, now we ll install the nylon spacers. Look at the rear half of the case from the side. Eight screw holes should be visible. The six side holes will get 3/4 -long size-6 spacers put over them. You can attach them in one of the following ways (depending on your taste and skill):

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boundary conditions are assigned to simulate the lateral escape of the crust. On the west, the effects of a spring or roller simulate the lateral resisting force of a rigid block in Pamir. On the northern side of the model boundary conditions approximate the resistance to motion by the rigid Tarim Basin. The top surface approximates the real topography and the bottom lies at 70 km depth. A vertical topographic load is included by calculating the weight of rock columns in each surface grid of the nite element model. An isostatic restoring force is applied

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Using OCR to extract text from images from the Azure Portal ... Open the Azure Portal and select Cloud Shell from the top menu. ... Location westus SubscriptionKey yourkey EndPoint https://westus.api.cognitive. microsoft .com/ vision/v1.0. 1 2 3
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for(size_t i = 0; i < price.size(); i++) { if(strat[i] != 0) { cash -= abs(strat[i]) * cost[i].cost(); cash += pos.change(price[i], cost[i].cost(), strat[i], i, k, ts); } if(stratPL1[i] != 0) { cashPL1 -= abs(stratPL1[i]) * cost[i].cost(); cashPL1 += posPL1.change(price[i], cost[i].cost(), stratPL1[i], i, k, tsPL1); } if(stratPL2[i] != 0) { cashPL2 -= abs(stratPL2[i]) * cost[i].cost(); cashPL2 += posPL2.change(price[i], cost[i].cost(), stratPL2[i], i, k, tsPL2); } total = cash + pos.openEquity(price[i], k); totalPL1 = cashPL1 + posPL1.openEquity(price[i], k); totalPL2 = cashPL2 + posPL2.openEquity(price[i], k); cout << setw(width) << total << " " << setw(width) << cash << " " << setw(width) << pos.openEquity(price[i], k) << " " << setw(width) << totalPL1 << " " << setw(width) << cashPL1 << " " << setw(width) << posPL1.openEquity(price[i], k) << " " << setw(width) << totalPL2 << " "

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In the JFK Files scenario below, we will explore how you can leverage Azure Cognitive .... Input); // Run OCR on the image using the Vision API var cogOcr = skillSet. ... By uploading an image or specifying an image URL, Microsoft Computer ...

First, we set the Boolean bDrawingLines to TRUE, and update the endpoint of the line segment so that the line is drawn from the first point in the array of structures, one segment to the left. Notice that we re doing simple arithmetic, using screen metrics information to calculate the location of the line segment s end point. Windows CE supports only the MM_TEXT mapping mode; that is,

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Thus if z i = N ( u i ) / F ( u i ) ,the nullspace relationship (7.16) is satisfied. The dimension of the nullspace of V is r -rn. The dimensionof the space of polynomials of degree < r - rn is r - rn. There must therefore be a one-to-one correspondencebetween 0 vectors in the nullspace of V and the polynomials N ( x ) . Thus N ( x ) is unique. Returning to the key equation problem, by this lemma, there exists a polynomial N ( x ) of degree less than v such that f j = N ( a j ) / g L ( a ) , where

There are several other matchmaking functions, which were referred to in Section 13.1. These only represent a small sample of the matchmaking services on

protected void postGlobalError(String errorKey, Object arg, HttpServletRequest request) { ActionError error = new ActionError(errorKey, arg); ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, error); saveErrors(request, errors); }

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I'm currently trying to use a PDF generator in my project but it doesn't work in an Azure Web app. I am using something called SelectPDF to ...

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